
In myths ponds and their reflections are often places of transformation – not always for the good, and self-reflection -sometimes dangerous self-absorption. They are seen as places where it is possible to enter other states of being and gain new insights.

This body of work is focused on my experience of my pond, in particular its reflections. The idea of reflection in its physical sense as reflected light in the garden pond but also in its symbolic senses and meanings. Drawing and painting at the pond from dawn to dusk into the night, have led me to ponder on our relationship with nature, including human nature, and with time – the interrelationship between past, present and future. ‘’the sense of being in these times and out of these times at the same time’’ (Smith, 2013: 24).

Smith, T.  (2013) ‘Our’ contemporality ? in Dumbadze A. and Hudson S. (ed) (2013) Contemporary Art : 1989 to the present  Chichester:Wiley-Blackwell

Full Moon Reflection,

acrylic on canvas, 100 cm diameter

Night Sky Reflection 2022

acrylic on canvas, 100 cm diameter

Meditations on Water 2022, acrylic on canvas 50 x 50 cm

Light on water 2022, charcoal sketches on A3 paper

Sunlight on water 2022 , acrylic on A3 paper